With the increasing growth of media cloud technologies, web service technologies, and smartphones equipped sensors, a number\nof collaborative media services are being built for ubiquitous user access. Currently, collaborative services are being used in several\nareas like healthcare, defense, education, and so forth. However, due to the challenge of providing such service to users in terms of\ncomputations, communications, processing, and storage, there is a growing need for an infrastructure to have on-demand access to\na shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, storages, servers, applications, and services). Cloud computing is\nsuch a paradigm or infrastructure to provide configurable platformto support the collaborative service. In this paper, we present the\ncorresponding framework of collaborative media service for efficient collaboration between caregivers and healthcare professionals.\nThe experimental results not only showed our solution is more efficient than the similar system but also proved that our solution\ncan work well for web service-based collaborative environment.