As a hot topic in supply chainmanagement, fuzzy method has been widely used in logistics center location selection to improve the\nreliability and suitability of the logistics center location selection with respect to the impacts of both qualitative and quantitative\nfactors. However, it does not consider the consistency and the historical assessments accuracy of experts in predecisions. So this\npaper proposes amulticriteria decisionmakingmodel based on credibility of decision makers by introducing priority of consistency\nand historical assessments accuracy mechanism into fuzzy multicriteria decision making approach. In this way, only decision\nmakers who pass the credibility check are qualified to perform the further assessment. Finally, a practical example is analyzed to\nillustrate howto use themodel.Theresult shows that the fuzzymulticriteria decisionmakingmodel based on credibility mechanism\ncan improve the reliability and suitability of site selection for the logistics center