This paper represents the clinical decision support system for video head impulse test (vHIT) based on fuzzy inference system. It\nexamines the eye and head movement recorded by the eye movement tracking device, calculates the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)\ngain, and applies fuzzy inference system to output the normality and artifact index of the test result. The position VOR gain and the\nproportion of covert and overt catch-up saccades (CUS) within the dataset are used as the input of the inference system. In addition,\nthis system yields one more factor, the artifact index, which represents the current interference in the dataset. Data of fifteen\nvestibular neuritis patients and two of normal subjects were evaluated. The artifact index appears to be very high in the lesion\nside of vestibular neuritis (VN) patients, indicating highly theoretical contradictions, which are low gain but without CUS, or\nnormal gain with the appearance of CUS. Both intact side and normal subject show high normality and low artifact index, even\nthough the intact side has slightly lower normality and higher artifact index. In conclusion, this is a robust system, which is the\nfirst one that takes gain and CUS into account, to output not only the normality of the vHIT dataset, but also the artifacts.