The reduced behavior for exploration of volumetric data based on the virtual sectioning concept was compared with the free\r\nscanning at the use of the StickGrip linkage-free haptic device. Profiles of the virtual surface were simulated through the penholder\r\ndisplacements in relation to the pen tip of the stylus. One or two geometric shapes (cylinder, trapezoidal prism, ball, and torus) or\r\ntheir halves and the ripple surfacewere explored in the absence of visual feedback. In the free scanning, the person physicallymoved\r\nthe stylus. In the parallel scanning, cross-sectional profiles were generated automatically starting fromthe location indicated by the\r\nstylus. Analysis of the performance of 18 subjects demonstrated that the new haptic visualization and exploration technique allowed\r\nto create accurate mental images, to recognize and identify virtual shapes. The mean number of errors was about 2.5% in the free\r\nscanningmode and 1.9% and 1.5% in the parallel scanningmode at the playback velocity of 28 mm/s and 42 mm/s, respectively. All\r\nparticipants agreed that the haptic visualization of the 3D virtual surface presented as the cross-sectional slices of the workspace\r\nwas robust and easy to use. The method was developed for visualization of spatially distributed data collected by sensors.