To avoid use errors when handling medical equipment, it is important to develop products with a high degree of usability. This\r\ncan be achieved by performing usability evaluations in the product development process to detect and mitigate potential usability\r\nproblems. A commonly used method is cognitive walkthrough (CW), but this method shows three weaknesses: poor high-level\r\nperspective, insufficient categorisation of detected usability problems, and difficulties in overviewing the analytical results. This\r\npaper presents a further development of CW with the aim of overcoming its weaknesses. The new method is called enhanced\r\ncognitive walkthrough (ECW).ECWis a proactive analytical method for analysis of potential usability problems.TheECWmethod\r\nhas been employed to evaluate user interface designs ofmedical equipment such as home-care ventilators, infusion pumps, dialysis\r\nmachines, and insulin pumps. The method has proved capable of identifying several potential use problems in designs.