User modeling and profiling has been used to evaluate systems and predict user behaviors for a considerable time. Models and\r\nprofiles are generally constructed based on studies of users� behavior patterns, cognitive characteristics, or demographic data and\r\nprovide an efficient way to present users� preferences and interests. However, such modeling focuses on users� interactions with a\r\nsystem and cannot support complicated social interaction, which is the emerging focus of serious games, educational hypermedia\r\nsystems, experience, and service design. On the other hand, personas are used to portray and represent different groups and\r\ntypes of users and help designers propose suitable solutions in iterative design processes. However, clear guidelines and research\r\napproaches for developing useful personas for large-scale and complex social networks have not been well established. In this\r\nresearch, we reflect on three different design studies related to social interaction, experience, and cross-platform service design to\r\ndiscuss multiple ways of identifying both direct users and invisible users in design research. In addition, research methods and\r\nattributes to portray users are discussed.