RGB-D cameras offer both color and depth images of the surrounding environment, making\nthem an attractive option for robotic and vision applications. This work introduces the BRISK_D\nalgorithm, which efficiently combines Features from Accelerated Segment Test (FAST) and Binary\nRobust Invariant Scalable Keypoints (BRISK) methods. In the BRISK_D algorithm, the keypoints are\ndetected by the FAST algorithm and the location of the keypoint is refined in the scale and the space.\nThe scale factor of the keypoint is directly computed with the depth information of the image. In\nthe experiment, we have made a detailed comparative analysis of the three algorithms SURF, BRISK\nand BRISK_D from the aspects of scaling, rotation, perspective and blur. The BRISK_D algorithm\ncombines depth information and has good algorithm performance.