In the current digital age, the adoption of natural interfaces between humans and machines is increasingly important. This\r\ntrend is particularly significant in the education sector where interactive tools and applications can ease the presentation and\r\ncomprehension of complex concepts, stimulate collaborative work, and improve teaching practices. An important step towards\r\nthis vision, interactive whiteboards are gaining widespread adoption in various levels of education.Nevertheless, these solutions are\r\nusually expensive,making their acceptance slow, especially in countries with more fragile economies. In this context, we present the\r\nlow-cost interactivewhiteboard (LoCoBoard) project, an open-source interactivewhiteboard with low-cost hardware requirements,\r\nusually accessible in our daily lives, for an easy installation: a webcam-equipped computer, a video projector, and an infrared\r\npointing device.The detection software framework offers five different Pointer Location algorithms with support for the Tangible\r\nUser Interface Object protocol and also adapts to support multiple operating systems.We discuss the detailed physical and logical\r\nstructure of LoCoBoard and compare its performance with that of similar systems. We believe that the proposed solution may\r\nrepresent a valuable contribution to ease the access to interactive whiteboards and increase widespread use with obvious benefits.