There are some issues that should be solved like load shock, vibration, and uneven load distribution during transmission of\ninvolute spur gears. However, common modification methods such as axial modification as well as profile modification could not\nsolve these problems once for all. Hence, a novel method of comprehensive modification was proposed, and the evaluation\nmethodology of transmission performance was drawn up too. Changing modification parameters can control transmission\nperformance of gear unit, which can generate many different modification ways. Besides, based on the orthogonal experiment\nmethod and evaluation methodology, optimal modification ways can be chosen for gear pairs working in different conditions.\nTaking a set of spur gear pair as an example, an ideal modification way was obtained. In addition, analysis results verified that\nconducting comprehensive modification could enhance the meshing performance once for all.\n1. Introduction\nWhen the gear mechanism transmits power, axial deviation\nmay be generated because of assembly error and teeth\ndeformation. Lias et al. [1] and Korotkin and Gazzaev [2]\nfound that axial deviation seriously affects tooth stresses,\nand it may lead to uneven load distribution. In addition,\nthere are some other problems in gear units, such as large\nfluctuation of transmission error (TE) and load shock. They\nmay result in vibration and decreasing the carrying capacity\nand service life of gear units. Aiming at above\nproblems, conducting modification for gears was\nresearched by many researchers. Thus, teeth surfaces of\nmodified gear are adjusted, and it may improve the\nmeshing performance. For instance, profile modification\nwas performed by Velex et al. [3] to reduce load shock, and\nthe phenomenon of vibration was improved. In addition,\naxial modifications are often conducted for gears to relieve\nuneven load distribution. However, most researchers\nusually consider profile modification and axial modification\nas two separate issues, and few people take them as\na problem.