This paper aims at realizing an automatic parking method through a bird�s eye view vision system.With this method, vehicles can\nmake robust and real-time detection and recognition of parking spaces. During parking process, the omnidirectional information\nof the environment can be obtained by using four on-board fisheye cameras around the vehicle, which are the main part of the\nbird�s eye view vision system. In order to achieve this purpose, a polynomial fisheye distortion model is firstly used for camera\ncalibration. An image mosaicking method based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used to combine four individual images\nfrom fisheye cameras into one omnidirectional bird�s eye view image. Secondly, features of the parking spaces are extracted with a\nRadon transform based method. Finally, double circular trajectory planning and a preview control strategy are utilized to realize\nautonomous parking.Through experimental analysis, we can see that the proposed method can get effective and robust real-time\nresults in both parking space recognition and automatic parking.