It is important to develop a reliable and high-throughput simulation method for predicting airflows in the installation planning\nphase of windmill power plants. This study proposes a two-stage mesh generation approach to reduce the meshing cost and\nintroduces a hybrid parallelization scheme for atmospheric fluid simulations. The meshing approach splits mesh generation into\ntwo stages: in the first stage, the meshing parameters that uniquely determine the mesh distribution are extracted, and in the\nsecond stage, a mesh system is generated in parallel via an in situ approach using the parameters obtained in the initialization\nphase of the simulation. The proposed two-stage approach is flexible since an arbitrary number of processes can be selected at run\ntime. An efficient OpenMP-MPI hybrid parallelization scheme using a middleware that provides a framework of parallel codes\nbased on the domain decomposition method is also developed. The preliminary results of the meshing and computing performance\nshow excellent scalability in the strong scaling test.