Modeling the multiagents cooperative systems inspired from biological self-organized systems in the context of swarm model has\r\nbeen under great considerations especially in the field of the cooperation of multi robots. These models are trying to optimize\r\nthe behavior of artificial multiagent systems by introducing a consensus, which is a mathematical model between the agents as an\r\nintelligence property for each member of the swarm set. The application of this novel approach in the modeling of nonintelligent\r\nmulti agents systems in the field of cohesion and cluster formation of nanoparticles in nanofluids has been investigated in this study.\r\nThis goal can be obtained by applying the basic swarm model for agents that are more mechanistic by considering their physical\r\nproperties such as their mass, diameter, as well as the physical properties of the flow. Clustering in nanofluids is one of the major\r\nissues in the study of its effects on heat transfer. Study of the cluster formation dynamics in nanofluids using the swarm model\r\ncan be useful in controlling the size and formation time of the clusters as well as designing appropriate microchannels, which the\r\nnanoparticles are plunged into.