Recently, as the utilization of CCTV (closed circuit television) is emerging as an issue, the studies on CCTV are receiving much\nattention. Accordingly, due to the development of CCTV, CCTV has IP addresses and is connected to network; it is exposed\nto many threats on the existing web environment. In this paper, steganography is utilized to confirm the Data Masquerading\nand Data Modification and, in addition, to strengthen the security; the user information is protected based on PKI (public key\ninfrastructure), SN (serial number), and R value (random number) attributed at the time of login and the user authentication\nprotocol to block non authorized access of malicious user in network CCTV environment was proposed. This paper should be\nappropriate for utilization of user infringement-related CCTV where user information protection-related technology is not applied\nfor CCTV in the future.