Indoor wireless localisation is a widely sought feature for use in logistics, health, and social networking applications. Low-powered\r\nlocalisation will become important for the next generation of pervasive media applications that operate on mobile platforms. We\r\npresent an inexpensive and robust context-aware tracking system that can track the position of users in an indoor environment,\r\nusing a wireless smart meter network. Our context-aware tracking system combines wireless trilateration with a dynamic position\r\ntracking model and a probability density map to estimate indoor positions. The localisation network consisted of power meter\r\nnodes placed at known positions in a building. The power meter nodes are tracked by mobile nodes which are carried by users to\r\nlocalise their position.We conducted an extensive trial of the context-aware tracking system and performed a comparison analysis\r\nwith existing localisation techniques. The context-aware tracking system was able to localise a person�s indoor position with an average\r\nerror of 1.21 m.