In this article, we present a simple and intuitive approach to create a handheld optoacoustic\nsetup for near field measurements. A single piezoelectric transducer glued in between two sheets of\npolymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) facilitates nearfield depth profiling of layered media. The detector\nelectrodes are made of indium tin oxide (ITO) which is both electrically conducting as well as optically\ntransparent, enabling an on-axis illumination through the detector. By mapping the active detector\narea, we show that it matches the design form precisely. We also present a straightforward approach\nto determine the instrument response function, which allows to obtain the original pressure profile\narriving at the detector. To demonstrate the validity of this approach, the measurement on a simple\ntest sample is deconvolved with the instrument response function and compared to simulation results.\nExcept for the sputter instrumentation, all required materials and instruments as well as the tools\nneeded to create such a setup are available to standard scientific laboratories.