Red VCSELs offer the benefits of improved performance and lower power consumption for medical and industrial sensing, faster\r\nprinting and scanning, and lower cost, higher speed interconnects based upon plastic optical fiber (POF). However, materials\r\nchallenges make it more difficult to achieve the desired performance than at the well-developed wavelength of 850 nm. This paper\r\nwill describe the state of the art of red VCSEL performance and the results of development efforts to achieve improved output power\r\nand a broader temperature range of operation. It will also provide examples of the applications of red VCSELs and the benefits\r\nthey offer. In addition, the packaging flexibility offered by VCSELs, and some examples of non-Hermetic package demonstrations\r\nwill be discussed. Some of the red VCSEL performance demonstrations include output power of 14mWCWat room temperature,\r\na record maximum temperature of 115?C for CW operation at an emission wavelength of 689 nm, time to 1% failure at room\r\ntemperature of approximately 200,000 hours, lifetime in a 50?C, 85% humidity environment in excess of 3500 hours, digital data\r\nrate of 3 Gbps, and peak pulsed array power of greater than 100mW.