Frequency: Quarterly E- ISSN: 2277-6311 P- ISSN: Awaited Abstracted/ Indexed in: Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Google Scholar, SCIRUS, Genamics JournalSeek, EBSCO Information Services
"Inventi Impact: Power Electronics" is having its focus on the applications and technologies in the field of power electronics. It invites original research papers, short communications and review articles in power electronics applications such as electric drives, medical and military apparatus, utility applications, transport and space applications, energy harvesting and storage management systems, and technologies like circuits, components and materials, controls etc. The scope does include environmental impact and education.
A low-power wideband mixer is designed and implemented in 0.13 ????m standard CMOS technology based on resistive feedback\ncurrent-reuse (RFCR) configuration for the application of cognitive radio receiver. The proposed RFCR architecture incorporates\nan inductive peaking technique to compensate for gain roll-off at high frequencywhile enhancing the bandwidth.Acomplementary\ncurrent-reuse technique is used between transconductance and IF stages to boost the conversion gain without additional power\nconsumption by reusing the DC bias current of the LO stage. This downconversion double-balanced mixer exhibits a high and\nflat conversion gain (CG) of 14.9 �± 1.4 dB and a noise figure (NF) better than 12.8 dB.The maximum input 1-dB compression point\n(P1dB) andmaximum input third-order intercept point (IIP3) are ?13.6 dBmand ?4.5 dBm, respectively, over the desired frequency\nranging from 50 MHz to 10GHz.The proposed circuit operates down to a supply headroom of 1V with a low-power consumption\nof 3.5 mW....
This work presents a two-stage operational transconductance amplifier suitable for sub- 1 V operation. This characteristic is achieved thanks to the adoption of a bulk-driven non-tailed differential pair. Local positive feedback is exploited to boost the equivalent transconductance of the first stage and the quasi-floating gate approach enables the class AB operation of the second stage. Implemented in a standard 180 nm CMOS technology and supplied at 0.6 V, the amplifier exhibits a 350 kHz gain bandwidth product and a phase margin of 69◦ while driving a 150 pF load. Compared to other solutions in the literature, the proposed one exhibits a considerable performance improvement, especially for large signal operation....
The generation of 1/f noise is closely related to the quality defects of IGBT devices. In the process of detecting single-tube noise of IGBT, thermal noise and shot noise show obvious white noise characteristics in the low-frequency range. This paper investigates how to accurately detect the 1/f noise under strong white noise, and thus proposes a particle swarm optimization method known as variational mode decomposition. First, the particle swarm optimization algorithm was used twice to search the optimal parameter combination between the penalty parameter and the decomposition modulus of the VMD model. Then, the parameters of the variational mode decomposition algorithm were set in optimal parameter combination. The frequency center and bandwidth of each IMF component were determined by continuous iteration in the variational framework. Finally, the 1/f noise signal was adaptively separated from background noise. Extensive experimental investigations carried out under different signal-to-noise ratios, compared with the optimal wavelet denoising algorithm, revealed that the PSO-VMD algorithm improved the signal-to-noise ratio by 6.6%, 16.82%, and 42.48%, whereas the mean square error is reduced by 7.12%, 19.80%, and 33.76%....
A unique direct driven permanent magnet synchronous generator has been designed and constructed. Results from simulations as well as from the first experimental tests are presented. The generator has been specifically designed to be directly driven by a vertical axis wind turbine and has an unusually low reactance. Generators for wind turbines with full variable speed should maintain a high efficiency for the whole operational regime. Furthermore, for this application, requirements are placed on high generator torque capability for the whole operational regime. These issues are elaborated in the paper and studied through simulations. It is shown that the generator fulfils the expectations. An electrical control can effectively substitute a mechanical pitch control. Furthermore, results from measurements of magnetic flux density in the airgap and no load voltage coincide with simulations. The electromagnetic simulations of the generator are performed by using an electromagnetic model solved in a finite element environment....
A unique direct driven permanent magnet synchronous generator has been designed and constructed. Results from simulations as\nwell as from the first experimental tests are presented. The generator has been specifically designed to be directly driven by a vertical\naxis wind turbine and has an unusually low reactance. Generators for wind turbines with full variable speed should maintain a\nhigh efficiency for the whole operational regime. Furthermore, for this application, requirements are placed on high generator\ntorque capability for the whole operational regime. These issues are elaborated in the paper and studied through simulations.\nIt is shown that the generator fulfils the expectations. An electrical control can effectively substitute a mechanical pitch control.\nFurthermore, results from measurements of magnetic flux density in the airgap and no load voltage coincide with simulations.\nThe electromagnetic simulations of the generator are performed by using an electromagnetic model solved in a finite element\nenvironment....
This work, based on the junction recombination velocity (Sfu) concept, is used to study the solar\ncell�s electric power at any real operating point. Using Sfu and the back side recombination velocity\n(Sbu) in a 3D modelling study, the continuity equation is resolved. We determined the photocurrent\ndensity, the photovoltage and the solar cell�s electric power which is a calibrated function of\nthe junction recombination velocity (Sfu). Plots of solar cell�s electric power with the junction recombination\nvelocity give the maximum solar cell�s electric power, Pm. Influence of various parameters\nsuch as grain size (g), grain boundaries recombination velocity (Sgb), wavelength ()\nand for different illumination modes on the solar cell�s electric power is studied....
In recent years, due to the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), various sensors have come to be in great demand for IoT devices. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) act as an important part of receivers in sensors. To improve the uptime of IoT devices, a bridged-switch energy-efficient switching scheme for successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs with a low-complexity capacitor drive circuit is proposed. The technique of top-plate sampling and closed-loop charge recycling is used in the proposed switching scheme so that neither the first nor the second comparison consumes switching energy. The third comparison uses bridge switches to connect the subarray to the main array, effectively reducing switching’s energy consumption. Only the least significant bit (LSB) is dependent on the accuracy of Vcm; thus, the last comparison consumes little switching energy. The proposed switching scheme achieves an average switching energy value of 47.5 CV2 ref, which is 96.52% lower than that of the conventional capacitor switching scheme and reduces the area by 75%. The other major circuit modules employed are bootstrapped switches, a fully dynamic comparator, and dynamic SAR logic. The proposed ADC was simulated under the conditions of 180 nm CMOS process and 1 MS/s, resulting in a 9.8-bit effective number of bits (ENOB), a signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) of 60.76 dB, a spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 69.85 dB, a power consumption of 14.7 μW, and a figure of merit (FoM) of 16.55 fJ/conv.-step....
In a low-voltage islanded microgrid powered by renewable energy sources, the energy storage systems (ESSs) are considered\nnecessary, in order to maintain the power balance. Since a microgrid can be composed of several distributed ESSs (DESSs), a\ncoordinated control of their state-of-charge (SoC) should be implemented, ensuring the prolonged lifespan. This paper proposes a\nnew decentralized control method for balancing the SoC of DESSs in islanded microgrids, without physical communication. Each\nDESS injects a current distortion at 175Hz, when its SoC changes by 10%. This distortion is recognized by every DESS, through\na phase-locked loop (PLL). In order to distinguish the origin of the distortion, each DESS injects a distortion of different time\nduration. This intermediate frequency has been selected in order to avoid the concurrence with the usual harmonics. The DESSs\ntake advantage of this information and inject a current proportional to the SoC. Implementing this strategy, a comparable number\nof charging/discharging cycles for each DESS are achieved. Furthermore, an active filter operation, implemented in the dq rotating\nframe for each individual harmonic, is integrated in the control of the distributed generation units, supplying nonlinear loads with\nhigh-quality voltage. The effectiveness of this method is verified by detailed simulation results...
The increasing penetration of renewable generators can be a significant challenge due to\nthe fluctuation of their power generation. Energy storage (ES) units are one solution to improve\npower supply quality and guarantee system stability. In this paper, a hybrid microgrid is built\nbased on photovoltaic (PV) generator and ES; and coordinated control is proposed and developed to\nachieve power management in a decentralized manner. This control scheme contains three different\ndroop strategies according to characteristics of PV and ES. First, the modified droop control is\nproposed for PV, which can take full utilization of renewable energy and avoid regulating output\nactive power frequently. Second, to maintain the direct current (DC) bus voltage stability, a novel\ndroop control incorporating a constant power band is presented for DC-side ES. Third, a cascade\ndroop control is designed for alternating current (AC)-side ES. Thus, the ES lifetime is prolonged.\nMoreover, interlinking converters (ICs) provide a bridge between AC/DC buses in a hybrid microgrid.\nThe power control of IC is enabled when the AC- or DC-side suffer from active power demand\nshortage. In particular, if the AC microgrid does not satisfy the reactive power demand, IC then acts\nas a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM). The effectiveness of the proposed strategies is\nverified by simulations....
In recent years, preventive maintenance has emerged as a focal point of research in the aerospace field. The concept of equipment maintenance, exemplified by prognosis and health management (PHM), has permeated every aspect of development and design. Extracting degradation features presents a fundamental and challenging task for health assessment and remaining useful life prediction. To facilitate the efficient operation of the incipient fault diagnosis model, this paper proposes a data-driven feature extraction process for converters, which consists of two main stages. First, feature extraction and comparison are conducted in the time domain, frequency domain, and time–frequency domain. By employing wavelet decomposition and the Hilbert transform method, a highly correlated time–frequency domain feature is obtained. Second, an improved feature selection approach that combines the ReliefF algorithm with the correlation coefficient is proposed to effectively minimize redundancy within the feature subset. Furthermore, an incipient fault diagnosis model is established using neural networks, which verifies the effectiveness of the data-driven feature extraction process presented herein. Experimental results indicate that this method not only maintains fault diagnosis accuracy but also significantly reduces training time....