Frequency: Quarterly E- ISSN: Awaited P- ISSN: Abstracted/ Indexed in: Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Google Scholar, SCIRUS, EBSCO Information Services
Quarterly published in print and online "Inventi Rapid: Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Formerly Rapid Impact: Sex & Reproduction)" publishes high quality unpublished as well as high impact pre-published research and reviews catering to the needs of researchers and professionals. The audience of this journal includes midwives, maternity care and neonatal nurses, obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians and policy makers in sexual and reproductive health. The journal welcomes papers in all the areas of sex and reproduction including family planning, pregnancy, labour and delivery, breast feeding and post-natal care, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, menopause, etc.
Oral Contraceptives are most widely used method of contraception because of their accessibility and reversibility. The prevalence of contraceptive use is increasing world-wide and in many countries more than 75% of couples use effective methods. Existing methods of contraception are not perfect, however and their acceptability is limited by side effects and inconvenience. To asses knowledge, attitude and practice towards oral contraception among married woman of reproductive age group. A prospective observational questionnaire-based study was conducted in tertiary care teaching hospital. Data were collected from married women of reproductive age visiting outpatient departments, pharmacy, laboratory and bystanders of inpatients. A total of 280 filled questionnaires were evaluated using descriptive statistics. Out of 280 women, the mean age of the study group was 35.2. Out of all the participants, 67.8% chose OCP for contraception as advised by the gynaecologist. Seventy-Seven percent has received instruction from physician on how to use OCPs. More than half of the respondents (80%) do not read instructions on package insert. Almost 57% of participants have responded that they were not sure of knowledge perceived about OCP of the total participants. The study reveals good knowledge and favourable attitude of rural women towards contraception. Contraception knowledge was influenced by health personnel efforts. Improvement in education regarding spacing methods will improve the prevalence of practicing contraception as a spacing method too, not just a terminal method....
Hysterectomy is the most common surgery performed by the Gynecologists apart from caesarian. It is indicated for the treatment of uterine cancer and various common noncancerous uterine conditions. Objective of this study was to analyze the age wise prevalence, risk factors, complications and types of hysterectomy, associated oophorectomy, common antibiotic, analgesics prescribed for post-operative management. 80 cases were collected from gynecology department in 7 months period. All inpatients admitted for hysterectomy during the study period was included and out patients with similar complaints was excluded from the study. 42.85% of pre-menopausal women between age group 45-49 underwent oophorectomy and 19.04% of patients below 40 years of age also underwent oophorectomy with TAH as a prophylactic method to prevent carcinoma in future. Out of the total subjects 87.5% was non vegetarians indicate that diet has a strong correlation with the development of gynecological diseases .32 patients was having a BMI value more than 27 kg/m2 which gives an evidence of obesity as a risk factor for gynecological diseases. 67.5% of the patients has undergone a Total abdominal hysterectomy + Bilateral salphingo oophorectomy followed by Vaginal Hysterectomy + Pelvic floor repair, 20%. Among the patients underwent surgery, 42.85% of pre-menopausal women between age group 45-49 underwent oophorectomy alongside, 19.04% of patients below 40 years of age also underwent associated oophorectomy with TAH. Among the patients underwent surgery metronidazole was the commonly prescribed antibiotic through IV route post operatively. TAH + BSO were performed in most of the cases. Premenopausal women of age 40-50 were more prone to different gynecological diseases and underwent hysterectomy....
Breast feeding initiates a profound bond between mother and infant. It has been observed that sucking reflex of a newborn is at its height 20-30 minutes after birth. If the infants is not fed then the reflex diminishes rapidly to reappear adequately forty-hours later. Nurses have a special responsibility and capacity to promote breastfeeding. Even though all the mothers were getting intravenous methergin the researcher was interested to identify the effect of immediate breast-feeding on contraction of uterus without methergin. Observation checklist was used to assess the breast feeding behavior. If the specified behaviors are present then each behavior is given a score of 1 and if not present then the score is 0. The maximum score is 14. A quasi- experimental design with two groups design was used. The setting of the study was the second stage labor room of Rhode Island Hospital. Result shows that when breast-feeding is initiated between 6-10 minutes duration of third stage of labor is lesser in group-I (M=6.2+2.7) minutes compared to that of group-II (M=7.8+4.2) minutes. Shows that 18(60%) mothers in group-I have a postpartum score of 35-39 as compared to 16(53.3%) mothers in group-II. Twelve (43.3%) mothers in group-II have the postpartum score of40-44. Thus the researcher concluded that there is higher score whish indicates better postpartum status....
The present study aims at assessing the impact of structured education regarding the knowledge level of antenatal primigravidae mothers on anaemia and its associated risk factors. Objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence, risk factors, knowledge and medication status of anaemia among pregnant women. This was a prospective interventional study which was carried out for a period of six months at Basaveshwara Medical College Hospital and Research Center and Suneetha Nursing Home, Chithradurga. The study was initiated after receiving approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee. Details of patients who had visited the hospital and clinic for antenatal checkup was documented and a PRE and POST test was conducted by providing a Knowledge Assessment Questionnaire (KAQ) on anaemia. The results were analyzed using paired T test. Among 101 patients, the prevalence of anaemia was 73(72.27%) of which a majority of 49(48.51%) were moderately anaemic with the highest prevalence in the third trimester (47.94%). Marital age was considered as an important risk factor with 25(34.24%) belonged to the marital age of 17-20 yrs of which 5 of them were severely anaemic. Considering the diet and life style during pregnancy, vegetarian diet and consumption of tea / coffee came out to be the important predictors of anaemia in pregnancy. Most of them 54(53.46%) had never heard about anaemia before which was improved after providing structured counselling along with specially designed patient information leaflets (P <0.05). This study revealed that the prevalence of anaemia is considerably high particularly in the third trimester. Early marriages and pregnancies are considered as inevitable risk factors for anaemia. Thus, community pharmacist should initiate steps to bridge the gap of ignorance by empowering women about this social issue and approaches are required to combat anaemia in primigravidae population....
The aim of the study was to assess the extent of medication used in post-natal women and to evaluate the effect of maternal medicines on breast feeding. A prospective, observational study was conducted with a sample size of 100 patients who visited tertiary care teaching hospital. On age distribution, post-natal women of 18-22 year were 47% and 23-27 year were 26%, 28-32 year were 27%. The mean age for the patients was found to be 24±1.895. Parity wise distribution of lactating women were most of multiparous (54%) followed by primiparous (45%) and grandparous (1%). The mode of delivery of the patients were majority of the patient normal delivery (53%) followed by caesarean section (47%). It was found that most of the patients prescribed with antibiotics (16.66%) followed by antacids (12.82%). Majority of the post-natal women undergone pathological test and found that CBC was performed for (41%) of the patients. The health status of lactating women (57%) was normal and (43%) was complicated. Among antibiotics metronidazole was prescribed for (26%). Based on Hale’s Lactating Drugs Category 61.41% were safer for post-natal women followed by 20.75% were safest with breast-feeding, 17.82% were fairly safe for post-natal women. We found that majority of the medicines prescribed during lactation were safe. There is a need to review routinely drugs prescribed for lactating women. So that use of contraindicated medication can be avoided thereby assuring safest and cost effectiveness of medication used in this population....
Pregnancy-induced hypertension poses a substantial risk to maternal, fetal and neonatal well-being, with preeclampsia contributing significantly to stillbirths and neonatal deaths. Essential interventions and strong healthcare support ensure quality care and positive experiences for women and providers. This study, conducted in selected areas of Vijayapura, aimed to assess the effectiveness of soak feet warm water therapy in reducing blood pressure among 60 PIH mothers. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of soak feet warm water therapy on alleviating the blood pressure among pregnancy induced hypertension mothers. Utilizing a purposive sampling technique, the study employed a quasi-experimental non-randomized control group research design. Data collection tools included a demographical profile assessment and a blood pressure assessment chart, validated by content experts and demonstrating high reliability (Cranach’s alpha coefficient, r = 0.97). Following soak feet warm water therapy administration, a significant reduction in blood pressure levels was observed. The paired mean differences in systolic and diastolic blood pressure pre- and post-intervention were 13.493 (p-value=0.0001) and 9.803 (p-value<0.0001) in the experimental group and 17.117 and 18.033 (p-value<0.0001) in the control group, respectively. This study highlights a noteworthy decrease in blood pressure among PIH mothers following soak feet warm water therapy, indicating its potential impact on maternal health outcomes and emphasizing intervention significance....
A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program (STP) on knowledge regarding bleeding within, after 20 weeks and during postpartum period (PPP) among Staff Nurses (SN). A quantitative approach with one group pre-test (PT) post-test (PST) design was used in 30 sample by non probability purposive sampling technique. The data was collected and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of the study showed that 60% of SN had moderate knowledge 26.67% had poor knowledge and 13.33% had good knowledge during the PT and significant changes occurred during PST as 86.67% had excellent knowledge and 13.33% had good knowledge. The Structured Knowledge Questionnaire (SKQ) was used to assess knowledge level of SN regarding Obstetrics Haemorrhage (OH). The mean PST knowledge score is significantly higher than mean PT knowledge score. The calculated â??tâ?? value (â??tâ??=20.02, p< 0.01) is greater than the table value 2.009 at 0.05 level of significance in all sections. The study also found that there is significant association between PT knowledge scores and selected demographic variables. Thus the study suggested that STP is effective in improving the knowledge of SN regarding OH....
The etiologic mediator of AIDS is HIV, which belongs to the family of human retroviruses (Retroviridae) and the subfamily of lentiviruses.HIV infection can transmitted from an infected mother to her foetus through pregnancy, through delivery, or by breast-feeding. Lack of prophylactic antiretroviral therapy to the mother throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and to the fetus subsequent birth, the likelihood of transmission of HIV from mother to infant/fetus ranges from 15 to 25% in developed countries and from 25 to 35% in developing countries.Co-trimoxazole is the drug of choice.An effective well-coordinated multidisciplinary team is required to address the changing needs of infected and affected children and their caregivers. Continuity of care between inpatient and outpatient services, local referring hospitals and the community needs to be developed....
Ovarian reserve means number and quality of follicles within ovary. It has nothing to do with when a child bearing women begins and ends her periods. Understanding and calculating ovarian reserve can be used to forecast the probability of conception in infertile women. Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), antral follicle count (AFC), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), inhibin B and estradiol are a collection of biomarkers that are helpful in estimating the ovarian reserve. A reduction in the number of ovarian follicles in females of childbearing age is considered as impaired ovarian reserve. This article's primary objective is to discuss the significance of each biomarker in determining ovarian reserve and predicting the chances that infertile women of reproductive age will become pregnant....
The absence of a peak in luteinizing hormone (LH) is the primary distinction between a natural and an artificially manufactured cycle. The LH peak may have clinical significance and activating LH/hCG receptors in the endometrium may enhance embryo implantation, as these receptors were found to express in human endometrium and experimental evidences also suggested the beneficial role of hCG in embryo implantation. Human chorionic gonadotropin is discussed in this review article for its function in secretory transformation during cycles of frozen-thawed embryo transfer....