Frequency: Quarterly E- ISSN: Awaited P- ISSN: Abstracted/ Indexed in: Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Google Scholar, SCIRUS, getCITED, Genamics JournalSeek, EBSCO Information Services
"Inventi Rapid: Modeling & Simulation" is a quarterly journal providing global forum for researchers, scholars and engineers in the fields of modeling and simulation. It publishes high quality refereed research and review papers disseminating latest theoretical results and their practical applications.
The applied magnetic field and stress induced anisotropy dependence of energy of ultra-thin ferromagnetic films has been investigated using Heisenberg Hamiltonian with second order perturbation. All the simulations were carried out for sc (001) film with three (N=3) layers. The energy becomes minimums at certain values of angles, applied magnetic field and stress, by indicating that film can be easily oriented in theses certain directions by applying particular applied magnetic field or stress. For example, when applied magnetic field (H_out/ω) Perpendicular to film plane is 3.6, the film can be easily oriented along θ=0.97 and θ=0.265 directions. When in plane applied magnetic field isH_in/ω =3, energy minimums can be detected at θ=1 and θ=2.6 radians. When applied stressK_s/((ω)) is 2.7, film can be easily oriented in θ=2.8 direction....