Frequency: Quarterly E- ISSN: 2277-2278 P- ISSN: Awaited Abstracted/ Indexed in: Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, Google Scholar, SCIRUS, getCITED, Genamics JournalSeek, EBSCO Information Services
Quarterly published in print and online "Inventi Impact: Digital Multimedia Broadcasting" publishes high quality unpublished as well as high impact pre-published research and reviews catering to the needs of researchers and professional engineers. The journal deals with multiple aspects of digital multimedia broadcasting pertaining to mobiles, televisions etc.
Background During the recent years, emergency services in several countries have integrated video streaming into medical emergency calls, and research on the topic has gained increased focus. Video streaming during medical emergency calls may change dispatcher’s perspective of the call and can be a helpful tool for supervising bystanders’ first aid. Little research exists, however, about the caller’s perspective of video streaming during a medical emergency call. With this study, we explore the caller’s experiences with video streaming. Methods The study is a qualitative interview study. During a period of five weeks, we recruited respondents from the region of Oslo who had called the medical emergency number 113 and where video streaming had been used by the dispatcher during the call. We conducted 14 semi-structured individual interviews, in-person or digitally on Zoom/Teams, from October to December 2023. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and we analyzed them drawing on Malterud’s systematic text condensation. Results Our material was sorted into three category headings: Increased sense of safety, the unexpected option of video streaming, and emotional discomfort. Most respondents felt comforted knowing that the dispatcher could see and assess the situation visually. Several were also positively surprised that video streaming was an option during the call. Some respondents however felt increased stress during the call due to video streaming. Other respondents reflected on the societal taboo of filming ill or injured persons. Conclusion Most respondents experienced video streaming as a positive addition to the medical emergency call and felt comforted knowing that the dispatcher could see the situation. Knowledge of the integration between video streaming and basic communication in a call is nonetheless of great importance, as to not increase stress experienced by the caller. The dispatcher should be sensitive for how the caller will handle video streaming for each call....
We consider a face-to-face\nvideoconferencing system that uses a Kinect camera at\neach end of the link for 3D modeling and an ordinary\n2D display for output. The Kinect camera allows\na 3D model of each participant to be transmitted;\nthe (assumed static) background is sent separately.\nFurthermore, the Kinect tracks the receiver�s head,\nallowing our system to render a view of the sender\ndepending on the receiver�s viewpoint. The resulting\nmotion parallax gives the receivers a strong impression\nof 3D viewing as they move, yet the system only needs\nan ordinary 2D display. This is cheaper than a full\n3D system, and avoids disadvantages such as the need\nto wear shutter glasses, VR headsets, or to sit in a\nparticular position required by an autostereo display.\nPerceptual studies show that users experience a greater\nsensation of depth with our system compared to a\ntypical 2D videoconferencing system....
This paper proposed a broadcast Channel Assignment Mechanism on base of\noptimized Broadcast Tree for wireless Mesh network (WMN), which is created by Branch and\nBound Method. The simulations show that our algorithm not only reduces the broadcast\nredundancy but also avoids the potential channel interferences produced by unnecessary relay\nnodes....
Data stream mining has become a research hotspot in data mining and has attracted the attention of many scholars. However, the\ntraditional data stream mining technology still has some problems to be solved in dealing with concept drift and concept\nevolution. In order to alleviate the influence of concept drift and concept evolution on novel class detection and classification, this\npaper proposes a classification and novel class detection algorithm based on the cohesiveness and separation index of Mahalanobis\ndistance. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively mitigate the impact of concept drift on classification and\nnovel class detection....
Vocabulary acquisition and retention is an essential part of learning a foreign language and many learners use flashcard applications to repetitively increase vocabulary retention. However, it can be difficult for learners to remember new words and phrases without any context. In this paper, we propose a system that allows users to acquire new vocabulary with media which gives context to the words. Theoretically, this use of multimedia context should enable users to practice with interest and increased motivation, which has been shown to enhance the effects of contextual language learning. An experiment with 46 English as foreign language learners showed better retention after two weeks with the proposed system as compared to ordinary flashcards. However, the impact was not universally beneficial to all learners. An analysis of participant attributes that were gathered through surveys and questionnaires shows a link between personality and learning traits and affinity for learning with this system. This result indicates that the proposed system provides a significant advantage in vocabulary retention for some users, while other users should stay with traditional flashcard applications. The implications of this study indicate the need for the development of more personalized learning applications....
We investigate into the potentiality of an enhanced Power and Location-based Vertical Handover (PLB-VHO) approach, based\r\non a combination of physical parameters (i.e., location and power attenuation information), for mobile-controlled connectivity\r\nacrossUMTS and WLAN networks.We show that the location information in amultiparameter vertical handover can significantly\r\nenhance communication performance. In the presented approach a power attenuation map for the visited area is built and\r\nkept updated by exploiting the information sharing of power measurements with other cooperating mobile devices inside the\r\nvisited networks. Such information is then used for connectivity switching in handover decisions. The analytical model for the\r\nproposed technique is first presented and then compared with a traditional Power-Based approach and a simplified Location-Based\r\ntechnique. Simulation results showthe effectiveness of PLB-VHOapproach, in terms of (i) network performance optimization and\r\n(ii) limitation of unnecessary handovers (i.e., mitigation of ping-pong effect)....
Video surveillance is an effective way to record current events. In view of the difficulty of efficient transmission of massive\nsurveillance video and the risk of leakage in the transmission process, a new data encryption and fast transmission algorithm is\nproposed in this paper. From the perspective of events, the constraints of time and space dimension is broken. First, a\nbackground and moving object extraction model is built based on video composition. Then, a strong correlation data encryption\nand fast transmission model is constructed to achieve efficient data compression. Finally, a data mapping mechanism is\nestablished to realize the decoding of surveillance video. Our experimental results show that the compression ratio of the\nproposed algorithm is more than 60% under the premise of image confidentiality....
A new distance-aware broadcasting algorithm was proposed to enhance the propagation distance in the latency time of safetyrelated\nmessage broadcasting. The IEEE 802.11p standard states that if the medium is detected as idle, a station would defer its\ntransmission within a backoff time to avoid collisions with other stations.The backoff times follow uniform distribution over [0,\nCW]. In this way, fairness among all the stations can be guaranteed. However, propagation distance was ignored and in safetyrelated\nmessage broadcasting fairness is not the most important issue. In the proposed algorithm, the lengths of backoff times\nare generated from a nonuniform distribution.They are related with the distances between the source station and its forwarding\nstations.The farthest forwarding station has the highest probability to forwardmessages. Performance of the proposed algorithmis\nanalyzed by using a 2D Markov chain. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can enhance\nthe performance of safety-related message broadcasting in terms of propagation distance, which is reflected by the successful\ntransmission probability. The proposed algorithm does not need additional waiting time, RTS/CTS, and ACK, therefore having\nbetter compatibility with the IEEE 802.11p standard than earlier distance-aware algorithms...
IPTV services are typically featured with a longer channel changing delay compared to the conventional TV systems. The major\ncontributor to this lies in the time spent on intraframe (I-frame) acquisition during channel changing. Currently, most widely\nadopted fast channel changing (FCC) methods rely on promptly transmitting to the client (conducting the channel changing)\na retained I-frame of the targeted channel as a separate unicasting stream. However, this I-frame acceleration mechanism has\nan inherent scalability problem due to the explosions of channel changing requests during commercial breaks. In this paper, we\npropose a fairness-based admission control (FAC) scheme for the original I-frame acceleration mechanism to enhance its scalability\nby decreasing the bandwidth demands. Based on the channel changing history of every client, the FAC scheme can intelligently\ndecide whether or not to conduct the I-frame acceleration for each channel change request. Comprehensive simulation experiments\ndemonstrate the potential of our proposed FACscheme to effectively optimize the scalability of the I-frame acceleration mechanism,\nparticularly in commercial breaks. Meanwhile, the FAC scheme only slightly increases the average channel changing delay by\ntemporarily disabling FCC (i.e., I-frame acceleration) for the clients who are addicted to frequent channel zapping....
Versatile Video Coding (VVC) introduces many new coding technologies, such as quadtree with nested multi-type tree (QTMT), which greatly improves the efficiency of VVC coding. However, its computational complexity is higher, which affects the application of VVC in real-time scenarios. Aiming to solve the problem of the high complexity of VVC intra coding, we propose a low-complexity partition algorithm based on edge features. Firstly, the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) operator was used to extract the edges in the coding frame, and the edges were divided into vertical and horizontal edges. Then, the coding unit (CU) was equally divided into four sub-blocks in the horizontal and vertical directions to calculate the feature values of the horizontal and vertical edges, respectively. Based on the feature values, we skipped unnecessary partition patterns in advance. Finally, for the CUs without edges, we decided to terminate the partition process according to the depth information of neighboring CUs. The experimental results show that compared with VTM-13.0, the proposed algorithm can save 54.08% of the encoding time on average, and the BDBR (Bjøntegaard delta bit rate) only increases by 1.61%....