Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2016 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 4 Articles
Spiral coil offers a substantial amount of heat transfer area at a considerably low cost as it does not\nonly have a lower wall resistance but it also achieves a better heat transfer rate in comparison to conventional Utube\narrangement. The general aim of the study is to assess different configurations of spiral coil heat exchangers\nthat can eventually operate in a highly efficient manner.\nThe paper documents the transient behavior of spiral-shaped tubes when the coil is embedded in a rectangular\nconducting slab. Different arrangements and number of turns per unit length, with fixed volumes, are considered\nin order to figure out the optimal configuration that maximizes the performance of the heat transfer. The implementation\npresented in the study is conducted to demonstrate the viability of the use of a large conducting body\nas supplemental heat storage.\nThe system uses flowing water in the coil and stagnant water in the container. The copper-made coils situated\nin the center of the slab carries the cold fluid while the container fluid acts as a storage-medium. The water\ntemperature at several depths of the container was measured to ensure uniformity in the temperature distribution\nof the container medium.\nResults have shown that the coil orientation, the number of loops, and the Reynolds number, substantially\ninfluence the rate of the heat transfer. The vertically-embedded spiral coil has a better performance than the\nhorizontally-embedded spiral coil. Doubling the number of loops is shown to enhance the performance of the\ncoil. Increasing Reynolds Number leads to better coil performance....
A cyber-physical system (CPS) is composed of tightly-integrated computation,\ncommunication and physical elements. Medical devices, buildings, mobile devices, robots,\ntransportation and energy systems can benefit from CPS co-design and optimization\ntechniques. Cyber-physical vehicle systems (CPVSs) are rapidly advancing due to\nprogress in real-time computing, control and artificial intelligence. Multidisciplinary or\nmulti-objective design optimization maximizes CPS efficiency, capability and safety, while\nonline regulation enables the vehicle to be responsive to disturbances, modeling errors and\nuncertainties. CPVS optimization occurs at design-time and at run-time. This paper surveys\nthe run-time cooperative optimization or co-optimization of cyber and physical systems,\nwhich have historically been considered separately. A run-time CPVS is also cooperatively\nregulated or co-regulated when cyber and physical resources are utilized in a manner that is\nresponsive to both cyber and physical system requirements. This paper surveys research that\nconsiders both cyber and physical resources in co-optimization and co-regulation schemes\nwith applications to mobile robotic and vehicle systems. Time-varying sampling patterns,\nsensor scheduling, anytime control, feedback scheduling, task and motion planning and\nresource sharing are examined....
This paper presents a project-based learning laboratory for the teaching of embedded systems.The main objectives are to encourage\nstudents studying the embedded systems course in developing hardware solutions for real engineering problems and to include\naspects of other courses studied within the academic programmes. One of the aims of project-based learning (PRBL) is to integrate\ndifferent courses in the achievement of a common objective, within a multidisciplinary course of the academic programme. In\nthe present case, this module is the final project of the embedded systems course. The project in question concerns a temperature\ncontrol system for an industrial drier, equipped with a remote system for configuration and data acquisition.The design of the drier,\nas well as elaboration of the entire electronic system involving drivers and sensors, was undertaken by the students using a kit with\na microcontroller specific for the development of embedded systems. The results of opinion surveys conducted with the students\nfollowing implementation of the PRBL proposal were used to validate the procedure. Full details of the development and results of\nthe project are provided, with the aim of assisting professors and students of similar courses....
This paper presents SYMRT, a tool based on a combination of symbolic execution and real-time model checking for\ntiming analysis of Java systems. Symbolic execution is used for the generation of a safe and tight timing model of the\nanalyzed system capturing the feasible execution paths. The model is combined with suitable execution environment\nmodels capturing the timing behavior of the target host platform including the Java virtual machine and complex\nhardware features such as caching. The complete timing model is a network of timed automata which directly\nfacilitates safe estimates of worst and best case execution time to be determined using the UPPAAL model checker.\nFurthermore, the integration of the proposed techniques into the TETASARTS tool facilitates reasoning about additional\ntiming properties such as the schedulability of periodically and sporadically released Java real-time tasks (under specific\nscheduling policies), worst case response time, and more....