Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
Entrepreneurship is important for achieving economic growth in contemporary economies is widely recognized, both\nby policy makers and scholars. So the main objective of this study is to determine the barriers to growth of small and\nmedium enterprises in Ethiopia. For research design; cross-sectional, descriptive and inferential designs study were\nused in the study. The study used both primary and secondary data. Pertaining to data analysis the researchers used\nquantitative data analysis techniques mainly descriptive analysis using percentages, tables and mean were employed.\nAccordingly, this study identified that strong competition in the markets, high level of interest rates on loans, poor\ninfrastructure, speed of debt payment by customers, unavailability of an appropriate property, state of the country�s\neconomy, low market demand for firms� products/service, pricing of competitor products, in availability of raw materials,\nattitude of banks and low availability of finance from lenders were rated as high barriers for small and medium business\ngrowth. While, specially strong competition in the markets, high level of interest rates on loans, and poor infrastructure\nwere as the highest barriers for small and medium business growth in developing country....
The UK chemical distribution industry, a well-established, highly fragmented, subject to\nstrong consolidation and significant part of the chemical industry, is a major contributor to\nthe UK economy and employment. The ever increasing regulatory compliance requirements\npose a significant challenge to all companies in general but more so to SMEs which have a\nstrong presence in this industry. Even though there has been considerable research in the area\nof small business growth, best practices for SMEs in the chemical distribution industry are\nscarce. This is one of the few research papers that address this gap in knowledge in a case\nstudy context in the specific industry, arguing that a mix of inorganic and organic growth is\nthe best way to achieve growth. Findings suggest that the strategy depends on the vision of\nthe owner/manager, strategies in place, access to human resources and finance, past\nexperiences, industry characteristics and company structure. Despite the methodological\nlimitations of this study, this can be used as the basis for future research and to inform key\nstakeholders and policy makers....
Based on the emergent searches concerning the definition, the dimensions and the\nmeasurement of international marketing performance of the SME, the present article has for\nobjective to propose a measurement scale of international marketing performance. The\nliterature shows that authors use objective indicators or/and subjective ones. The lack of\nconsensus between the researchers incited to us to make a qualitative study. And the second\nquantitative study led with 62 leaders of the SME allows building a measurement scale of\ninternational marketing performance by estimating the reliability of the initially identified\ndimensions and by verifying the validity and the reliability of four restraints....
Market share expansion strategy is usually considered by the manufacturers who intend to achieve lower\nproduction cost to extend the surviving period in mature markets where intense price competition occurs frequently.\nThis study will discuss one manufacturer who is producing mature stage products and supplying them to product\nmarket to serve the end users. In order to produce the products, it is necessary for the manufacturer to procure\nthe key components of the products from the component market which is on its fast-growing stage with high price\nfluctuation. Spot procurement and SC procurement are to be compared to find out which is a better strategy to\nsupport the manufacturer in the decision-making of production capacity. Profit rate, deficit rate and market share rate\nare considered as the valuation index in this study....
In this study an attempt is made to assess the role of micro enterprises creating employment opportunities and\nincome generation opportunity in Timergara District Dir Lower, KPK Pakistan. During the study primary data were\ncollected from the owners of 80 micro enterprises. Questionnaire was used as data collection instruments. For Data\nanalysis descriptive statistical tools such as tables, frequency distribution and percentages, and inferential statistical\ntools such as regression analysis were used to describe the responses on the role of micro enterprises. The study\nelaborate that there is some positive growth rate of micro enterprises in Timergara City. Regarding employment\ncreation these micro enterprises created around 4.75 average numbers of employees per micro enterprise. The total\nnumber of employees in 80 enterprises was 380 employees. Most of the enterprise owners (42.5%) get average\nmonthly income from Rs.53000 to Rs.89000 and each employee in the enterprise get average income of Rs.11997\nper month. The total average monthly sale of 80 enterprises in Timergara City is Rs.61000000. Besides this the\nenterprises also faced some constraints during start-up time and also face constraints during operation, such as\nfinancial shortage, security, high rent and energy shortage. To conclude that, micro enterprises play a great role in\nreducing unemployment and also play a great role in income generation to the owners and employees. Based on\nthe major findings a number of policy recommendations are drawn. Among these the access to credit, price control,\ngovernment check and provision of energy is very important for the development of these micro enterprises....