Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
This paper proposed a broadcast Channel Assignment Mechanism on base of\noptimized Broadcast Tree for wireless Mesh network (WMN), which is created by Branch and\nBound Method. The simulations show that our algorithm not only reduces the broadcast\nredundancy but also avoids the potential channel interferences produced by unnecessary relay\nnodes....
By allowing intermediate nodes to encode the received packets before sending them out, network coding improves the capacity and\nrobustness of multicast applications. But it is vulnerable to the pollution attacks. Some signature schemes were proposed to thwart\nsuch attacks, but most of them need to be homomorphic that the keys cannot be generated and managed easily. In this paper, we\npropose a novel fast and secure switch network coding multicast (SSNC) on the software defined networks (SDN). In our scheme,\nthe complicated secure multi cast management was separated from the fast data transmission based on the SDN.Multiple multicasts\nwill be aggregated to one multicast group according to the requirements of services and the network status. Then, the controller will\nroute aggregated multicast group with network coding; only the trusted switch will be allowed to join the network coding by using\nbroadcast encryption.The proposed scheme can use the traditional cryptography without homomorphy, which greatly reduces the\ncomplexity of the computation and improves the efficiency of transmission....
The second generation of Audio and Video coding Standard (AVS) is developed by the\nIEEE 1857 Working Group under project 1857.4 and was standardized in 2016 by the AVS Working\nGroup of China as the new broadcasting standard AVS2. High Efficient Video Coding (HEVC) is\nthe newest global video coding standard announced in 2013. More and more codings are migrating\nfrom H.264/AVC to HEVC because of its higher compression performance. In this paper, we propose\nan efficient HEVC to AVS2 transcoding algorithm, which applies a multi-stage decoding information\nutilization framework to maximize the usage of the decoding information in the transcoding process.\nThe proposed algorithm achieves 11Ã?â??ââ?¬â??17Ã?â?? speed gains over the AVS2 reference software RD 14.0\nwith a modest BD-rate loss of 9.6%ââ?¬â??16.6%....
Multi input and multi output (MIMO) systems, which use several antennas at either the transmitter or the receiver or both,\nare able to provide a big capacity compared to systems that use single antenna. MIMO makes wireless communication work intelligently\nby gathering all information arriving from different branches at different times. By using multiplexing, the interference may happen,\nbut MIMO use smart selections at the receiver to improve the equality of the signal. One of the applications of MIMO is orthogonal\nfrequency division multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM technique is used for multiple access schemes and multiple-input multiple-output\n(MIMO) systems are applied to increase data rate. In this thesis we want to study the enhancement MIMO-OFDM technologies by using\nMatlab....
This paper investigates the possibility to improve target detection capability in a DVB-Tbased\npassive radar sensor by jointly exploiting multiple digital television channels broadcast by the\nsame transmitter of opportunity. Based on the remarkable results obtained by such a multi-frequency\napproach using other signals of opportunity (i.e., FM radio broadcast transmissions), we propose\nappropriate modifications to the previously devised signal processing techniques for them to be\neffective in the newly considered scenarios. The resulting processing schemes are extensively applied\nagainst experimental DVB-T-based passive radar data pertaining to different surveillance applications.\nThe obtained results clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed multi-frequency approaches and\ndemonstrate their suitability for application in the considered scenarios....