Current Issue : July - September Volume : 2020 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 5 Articles
Data stream mining has become a research hotspot in data mining and has attracted the attention of many scholars. However, the\ntraditional data stream mining technology still has some problems to be solved in dealing with concept drift and concept\nevolution. In order to alleviate the influence of concept drift and concept evolution on novel class detection and classification, this\npaper proposes a classification and novel class detection algorithm based on the cohesiveness and separation index of Mahalanobis\ndistance. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively mitigate the impact of concept drift on classification and\nnovel class detection....
This article proposes the design of a dual-band coupled-fed dipole antenna for passive\ncoherent location (PCL) systems in the very high frequency (VHF) band. The proposed indirect\ncoupled feed mechanism, which is often employed in microstrip patch antennas, is first applied to\nVHF band dipole elements for dual-band matching. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed\ndesign, we fabricate the coupled-fed dipole element and measure antenna characteristics, such as\nthe voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and the antenna gain. The proposed antenna element is\nthen applied to an eight-element circular array to form the reference and surveillance beams for PCL\nsystems. Finally, the target location is estimated by constructing amplitude-range doppler (ARD)\nmaps for one frequency modulation (FM) and two terrain digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB)\nilluminators in the Seoul-Gyunggi urban area. The results confirm that the proposed element is\nsuitable for dual-band PCL systems in the VHF band compared to a conventional dipole antenna....
Naver V Live, a South Korean live--streaming service, showcases video contents specific \nto the entertainment industry, such as K--pop and music. On V Live, K--pop stars and their fans can \ninteract directly in a natural way, and V Live provides high--quality video content with novel topics. \nThis study has identified key characteristics of video content that affect its popularity...........................
An automated baby monitoring service CCBeBe (CCtv Bebe) monitors infantsâ?? lying posture\nand crying based on AI and provides parents-to-baby video streaming and voice transmission.\nBesides, parents can get a three-minute daily video diary made by detecting the babyâ??s emotion\nsuch as happiness. These main features are based on OpenPose, EfficientNet, WebRTC, and\nFacial-Expression-Recognition.Pytorch. The service is integrated into an Android application and\nworks on two paired smartphones, with lowered hardware dependence....
The smart city concept has attracted high research attention in recent years within diverse\napplication domains, such as crime suspect identification, border security, transportation, aerospace,\nand so on. Specific focus has been on increased automation using data driven approaches, while\nleveraging remote sensing and real-time streaming of heterogenous data from various resources,\nincluding unmanned aerial vehicles, surveillance cameras, and low-earth-orbit satellites. One of\nthe core challenges in exploitation of such high temporal data streams, specifically videos, is the\ntrade-off between the quality of video streaming and limited transmission bandwidth. An optimal\ncompromise is needed between video quality and subsequently, recognition and understanding and\nefficient processing of large amounts of video data. This research proposes a novel unified approach\nto lossy and lossless video frame compression, which is beneficial for the autonomous processing\nand enhanced representation of high-resolution video data in various domains. The proposed fast\nblock matching motion estimation technique, namely mean predictive block matching, is based on\nthe principle that general motion in any video frame is usually coherent. This coherent nature of\nthe video frames dictates a high probability of a macroblock having the same direction of motion as\nthe macroblocks surrounding it. The technique employs the partial distortion elimination algorithm\nto condense the exploration time, where partial summation of the matching distortion between the\ncurrent macroblock and its contender ones will be used, when the matching distortion surpasses the\ncurrent lowest error. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach\nover state-of-the-art techniques, including the four step search, three step search, diamond search,\nand new three step search....