Current Issue : April - June Volume : 2021 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 6 Articles
Sizing is an inherent part of weaving works, consisting in the coating of the warp yarn with a polymeric adhesive, such as starch, in order to assist efficient weaving. The study is aimed to assess the effects of squeezed roller pressure, dryer temperature, yarn count, machine speed (rpm) on cotton fabric weaving. Coarser and finer cotton yarn samples were prepared using sizing solution BENSIZE 850. Different size box temperature, yarn count, fabric construction, machine speed, squeeze roller pressure were considered to construct different weaving designs to study yarn breakages parameter. A warping plan was designed on TAROKO V5.4 (190325) software. The results established that size box lower temperature and higher machine speed provide the smallest amount yarn break during weaving for coarser cotton yarn and the highest for finer cotton yarn. Size box higher temperature and lower machine speed provide maximum yarn breakage during weaving coarser cotton yarn and minimum for fine yarn. Size penetration is uniform, which provides a higher strength of the yarn to less breakage. This aspect of the research suggested that higher yarn strength gives a lesser amount of breakage....
A simplified dynamic response model is proposed based on the deformation and dynamic stress response characteristics of soil under impact loading. The foundation is divided into two distinct zones: a projection cylinder acting vertically under impact loading and a hollow cylinder outside the projection area. It is assumed that the ramming deformation of the projected cylinder under the vertical impact load is a quasi-static loading process under the maximum contact dynamic stress through the quasistatic method, and the settlement calculation without lateral deformation is given. It is assumed that the inner wall of the hollow cylinder is subjected to horizontal lateral pressure and the analytical solution of the horizontal dynamic stress considering the plastic deformation of soil is given. The simplified dynamic response model can reflect the mechanical response of soil under impulse train load well which can provide reference for similar projects....
Significant interest has been focused on graphene materials for their unique properties as Hydrogen storage materials. The development of their abilities by modifying their configuration with doped or decorated transition metals was also of great interest. In this work, using the DFT/B3LYP/6-31G/LanL2DZ level of theory, graphene sheet (GS) as one of the materials of interest was doped with two transition metals, Osmium (Os) and Tungsten (W). Two active sites on the GS were tested (C4 and C16) resulted into adsorbed systems, H2@C4-GS and H2@C16-GS. C16 position showed the largest adsorption energy compared to that at C4. Therefore, C4 was replaced by the two metals and two adsorbed systems were formed: H2@Os-GS and H2@W-GS. The binding energy of H2@Os-GS was found to be greater than that of H2@W-GS....
We combine the de Broglie Matter Wave Equation with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to derive an equation for time as a wave. This happens to be the first time that these two statements have been combined in this manner to derive an equation for time. The result is astounding. Time turns out to be a minuscule blob of quantum electromagnetic energy in perpetual angular momentum. From this time equation, we derive an equation for space which turns out to also predict a string (like the string of string theory). We then combine the time equation with the space equation to derive an equation for the inverse of quantum gravity which is also surprisingly electromagnetic in nature. This last statement implies that space is multidimensional and gravity in multidimensional space is not quantized, but its inverse (which is single- dimensional) is....
The technological advances in Lithium-ion batteries have created many new applications, including electric vehicles. In this short note, we shall explain in simple terms the basic physics why and how it is possible to have high energy capacity in Lithium-ion batteries. However, heating has been a common problem and without appropriate design, they might give fire and explosion as reported....
Our bimetric spacetime model of glitching pulsars is applied to the remnant of GW170817. Accordingly, pulsars are born with embryonic incompressible superconducting gluon-quark superfluid cores (SuSu-matter) that are embedded in Minkowski spacetime, whereas the ambient compressible and dissipative media (CDM) are imbedded in curved spacetime. As pulsars cool down, the equilibrium between both spacetime is altered, thereby triggering the well-observed glitch phenomena. Based thereon and assuming all neutron stars (NSs) to be born with the same initial mass of MNS (t=0)≈ 1.25 Mʘ, we argue that the remnant of GW170817 should be a relatively faint NS with a massive central core made of SuSu-matter. The effective mass and radius of the remnant are predicted to be(2.8 Mʘ ˂ Mrem ≤ 3.351 Mʘ )and Rrem = 10.764 km , whereas the mass of the enclosed SuSu-core is Mcore = 1.7 Mʘ . Here, about 1/ 2 Mcore is an energy enhancement triggered by the phase transition of the gluon-quark-plasma from the microscopic into macroscopic scale. The current compactness of the remnant is αc = 0.918, but predicted to increase as the CDM and cools down, rendering the remnant an invisible dark energy object, and therefore to an excellent black hole candidate....