Current Issue : January-March Volume : 2012 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 4 Articles
The plant Acacia leucophloea Roxb is reported to have great medicinal value in Indian medicine. The present study deals with the preliminary phytochemical screening of Acacia leucophloea Roxb, leaves in vivo evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract by using Carrageenan induced paw oedema and cotton pellet –induced granuloma model. The cotton pellet granuloma method is widely used to evaluate the transudative and proliferative components of the chronic inflammation. The moist weight of the cotton pellet correlates with the transuda; the dry weight of the pellet correlates with the amount of the granulomatous tissue. Administration of leaves methanol extract at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg b.w. and phenylbutazone (100 mg/kg b.w.) appears to be effective in inhibiting the dry weight of the cotton pellet. These data support the hypothesis of the greater effect of the extract on the inflammation mediators in the immediate response of inflammation in rats....
A study of ancient literature indicates that hyperlipidemia was fairly well known and well conceived as an entity in India. The modern medicines are very efficient in curing diseases but they are produces a number of side effects, on the contrary, the crude drugs are some what less efficient than modern medicines but they are relatively free from side effects which made the traditional system of medicine to create the competition to modern day medicine. Hence, the present study aims to open new avenues for the improvement of herbal drugs. For the area for Hyperlipidemia Polyalthia longifolia is a lofty evergreen tree, native to India, commonly known as “Green Champa” and planted due to its effectiveness in alleviating noise pollution. It exhibits symmetrical pyramidal growth with willowy weeping pendulous branches and long narrow lanceolate leaves with undulate margins. Polyalthia longifolia is sometimes incorrectly identified as Ashoka tree (Saraca Indica) because of very close resemblance of both. Study is to bring the anti-hyperlipidemic medicinal plants sector on a firm scientific footing, raise awareness and add value to the resource. Ethanol and aqueous (60-80°C) extracts of leaves of Polyalthia longifolia where subjected for anti-lipidemic activity in New Zealand rabbits (1.5-3.5 kg). Serum lipid level was determined using kits. The oral administration of leaf extracts at doses of 150 mg/ kg− lead to a significant blood lipid reduction. This laid the foundation to study the active compounds of such anti-lipidemia plants that are responsible for the hypolipidemic activities....
The present communication deals with pharmacognostical investigation on plant ‘Jussiaea hyssopifolia G. Don.’. Pharmacognostical study helps for its identification and to distinguish it from the co-existing weeds and adulterants. It also restrict adulteration and provide a basis for proper authentication of the drug. The present work includes the evaluation of the fresh, powdered and anatomical sections of the Jussiaea hyssopifolia plant part to determine the macromorphological as well as micromorphological characters....
Stellaria media Linn belonging to family Caryophyllaceae. Chickweed or chickenwort, craches, naruns are the vernacular names of Stellaria media Linn. Stellaria media is a weed of Indian subcontinent and can be used as various kinds of skin, metabolic and gastrointestinal disorders. Method: The pharmacognostical study of Stellaria media was done by evaluating its macroscopical analysis, microscopical evaluation, Powder characteristics, phytochemical investigation, physicochemical analysis. Result: The macroscopical & microscopical study of plant revealed the specific characters which has been observed and identified. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of acid, alkaloid, carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins etc. Ash values, extractive values, Loss on drying was determined in physic-chemical analysis which will be useful for identifying crude drugs. Conclusion: The above macroscopical, microscopical, phytochemical and physichemical studies will be beneficial for identification and authentication of plant Stellaria media....