Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2023 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
There has been a steady growth in the length of pipelines over the past 45 years, with over 6000 operating platforms extracting oil. Several facilities would reach their operational life, which can no longer be economically viable for their production and will eventually undergo the decommissioning procedure. Almost 3000 petroleum industries will likely be decommissioned worldwide in the next 17 years. By 2030, the total cost of decommissioning globally amounted to about USD 104.5 billion. The choice to decommission the offshore oil and gas sector is considered complicated and crucial as it must evaluate numerous variables such as cost, health and safety, and environmental consequences. This review paper aims to assess the decommissioning activity, specifically on pipelines in the oil and gas industry. The purpose of this study is to understand and evaluate significant environmental impacts associated with decommissioning of oil pipelines and to propose mitigation measures to address the challenges of decommissioning. Waste disposal, a threat to biodiversity and air pollution, is a major environmental concern in decommissioning oil and gas pipelines. Among the decommissioning measures, leave in-situ has the lowest environmental impact while repurposing and recycling, with the application of environmental impact qualitatively and quantitatively by integrating 3D information models, mathematical models embedded in hydrodynamic models look promising for decommissioning....
Assessing the compatibility of industrial discharges with the biological process of a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) may represent a critical task. Indeed, either focusing only on chemical characterization or ecotoxicity tests designed to assess the impact on surface waters may lead to questionable or misleading conclusions. The feasibility of an industrial connection to the sewer should better take into account the features of the downstream WWTP, in particular by studying the potential effects on the biomass of that specific plant. With this aim, a multi-step experimental protocol applicable by water utilities has been proposed: (step 1) calculation of the flow rate/load ratio between industrial discharge (ID) and urban wastewater (WW); (step 2) analysis of the modified operating conditions of the biological stage; (step 3) experimental assessment of the impact of the ID on the WWTP biomass by means of respirometric tests. An application of this protocol is presented in this work as a case study, namely a new ID (average flowrate 200 m3 d−1) coming from an aqueous waste treatment plant (AWTP) to be connected to the public sewer. The integrated evaluation of results showed that no negative impacts could be expected on the downstream urban activated sludge WWTP (treating a flow rate of around 45,000 m3 d−1)....
The paper deals with the impact of a mechanical compression heat pump, operated by electrical energy, on the environment. Irrespective of its origin and the history of its production, this energy pollutes the environment as waste heat. The operational energy, obtained from the so-called alternative energy sources (wind, water energy), also burdens the environment as waste heat. This is not the case with the solar energy. A direct conversion of the Sun’s rays into electricity does not additionally affect the environment, compared to their direct conversion into heat without our intervention....
The 1997 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (UNWC) contains a negotiation framework for transboundary water rights. However, it is a subjective document open to a wide range of possibilities and interpretations. Water Rights Allocations (WRAs) as described by Dinar and Nigatu (2013) and Dinar and Tsur (2017) provide a limited number of quantifiable allocation possibilities based on the UNWC. It is suggested that this methodology streamlines the negotiation process and reduces the effects of hydro hegemony. These methodologies are explored and applied through a case study on the Orontes River Basin....
The Nigerian coastline which stretches about 853 km has four distinct morphological zones namely, Barrier Lagoon, Mahin Mud coast, Niger Delta and Strand coast. Nigeria’s coastal zone is richly blessed with various natural resources like oil, gas, fish, sand etc., which are presently being exploited for economic development. Coastal populations have increased erratically from about 20% of the National population in 1993 to approximately 51,037,122 m (30% of the national population) in 2011. Development of coastal areas in Nigeria is accelerating and user conflicts are increasing. Both natural and anthropogenic activities in the coastal zone are leading to coastal hazards and eventual rapid degradation of the area. Significant coastal hazards include coastal erosion, storm surges, floods, land subsidence, pollution, especially oil spills and possibly seismicity, which could lead to earthquakes and tsunamis. These hazards are leading to disasters and effecting the socio-economic sustainability of the coastal area....