Current Issue : January-March Volume : 2024 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
Background: The COVID-19 outbreak negatively impacted pharmacists who provided basic medical services by inducing anxiety and depression, thus, leading to medical errors. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the job burnout and satisfaction levels among hospital pharmacists during the period when China downgraded COVID-19 from a Category A disease to a Category B disease. Method: We selected pharmacists from several medical institutions in Yunnan Province as the subjects by using the general information questionnaire survey, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS), and the Work Environment Scale-10 (WES-10). Results: After analyzing 461 questionnaires, the results showed that the age and marital status of the pharmacists displayed significant effects on their emotional exhaustion and sense of achievement, with younger pharmacists getting higher and lower scores for their tests on emotional exhaustion and sense of achievement, respectively (p < 0.01). Those who were single and widowers also achieved higher and lower scores on the tests for emotional exhaustion and sense of achievement, respectively (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Hence, it was concluded that the job burnout of pharmacists was at a low level during the period when China downgraded COVID-19 as a Category B disease from Category A....
Pharmacotherapy plays a crucial role in symptom management in palliative care and is associated with risks potentially leading to drug-related problems (DRP). Pharmacists can identify DRPs and advise prescribers on optimizing drug therapy. The aim of this study was to identify DRP in a palliative care unit (PCU) and evaluate corresponding pharmaceutical interventions. A non-randomized before-and-after study in a PCU starts with a control phase, an interphase, and an intervention phase. Primary endpoint: DRP, including pharmaceutical interventions and their acceptance. The medication of all inpatients was recorded at set time points, assessed for potential and manifest DRP, and categorized. In the control phase, the ward pharmacist did not interfere with the clinical team. In the intervention phase, the pharmacist could intervene when a DRP was identified and give recommendations. During the 12-month period, 284 patients were included (control phase n = 138; intervention phase n = 146) and 1079 DRPs were identified (control phase n = 634; intervention phase n = 445). The number of DRPs/patient was significantly reduced by the pharmacist’s interventions between the control and intervention phases (4 vs. 3 DRPs, p = 0.001). Overall acceptance of pharmaceutical interventions by prescribers was very high (227/256; 88%). DRPs are hardly preventable. With a clinical pharmacist as a member of the palliative care team, it is possible to reduce the number of DRPs and identify potential problems earlier....
We assessed the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) among pharmacists working in community pharmacies in France and the factors linked to this practice. During 3 months in 2018, an online survey was sent to over 7000 active pharmacists and posted on pharmacists’ social media sites. In total, 595 pharmacists completed the questionnaire. The responders were on average younger than the general population of community pharmacists. The 40-item questionnaire described four fictional clinical cases reflecting typical situations (conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine) encountered daily by community pharmacists. Multiple-choice responses were proposed and scored according to whether they reflected EBP. A high total score indicated behaviour in line with EBP. We observed 344/595 participants with a positive EBP score (57.8% [53.7–61.8%]). Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to evaluate factors that might explain adherence to EPB (the pharmacy’s characteristics, the pharmacist’s status, the mode of continuing education and sources of information). The majority relied on pharmaceutical industry and other biased and/or non-evidence-based sources, particularly concerning information on homeopathic products. The consultation of independent reviews, health agency recommendations and peerreviewed scientific journals was associated with evidence-based decisions. In contrast, reliance on pharmaceutical industry documents, personal experience and informal handbooks was linked to lower EBP scores. The level of EBP use by French community pharmacists needs to be improved to ensure that good-quality, science-based advice is given to customers....
Background: Pharmacists adopt various approaches to identifying prescription-opioidrelated risks and harms, including prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and clinical screening tools. This study aims to compare ‘at-risk’ patients according to the published Australian PDMP algorithms with the validated Routine Opioid Outcome Monitoring (ROOM) clinical screening tool. Methods: Data were used from an implementation study amongst people who had been prescribed regular opioids. We examined the results from ROOM and the patients’ dispensing history over the previous 90 days. A chi-squared test was used to examine the association between risk according to (i) a PDMP alert and a clinical risk per ROOM; (ii) a PDMP alert and positive screening for opioid use disorder; and (iii) a PDMP ‘high-dose’ alert (average of >100 mg OME/day in the past 90 days) and any ROOM-validated risk. Results: No significant associations were found between being ‘at-risk’ according to any of the PDMP alerts and clinical risk as identified via the ROOM tool (x2 = 0.094, p = 0.759). There was only minimal overlap between those identified as ‘at-risk’ via PDMP alerts and those meeting the clinical risk indicators; most patients who were ‘at-risk’ of clinical opioidrelated risk factors were not identified as ‘at-risk’ based on PDMP alerts. Conclusions: PDMP alerts were not predictive of clinical risk (as per the ROOM tool), as many people with well-established clinical risks would not receive a PDMP alert. Pharmacists should be aware that PDMPs are limited to identifying medication-related risks which are derived using algorithms; therefore, augmenting PDMP information with clinical screening tools can help create a more detailed narrative of patients’ opioid-related risks....
In Saudi Arabia, community pharmacies offer healthcare services for different conditions. However, clarity of the competence of pharmacists in managing migraines is lacking. This study aimed to explore the current knowledge, attitude, and practice patterns of community pharmacists concerning migraine management in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional study was carried out between June and September 2022 among 215 Saudi community pharmacists. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS version 27. Most community pharmacists (87.9%) feel that migraine management is essential to their practice, and 83.3% suggest between one and five over-the-counter (OTC) migraine products daily. Among the study pharmacists, 83.7% feel migraine patients should try OTC before prescription medications. Only 9.3% of the community pharmacists do not believe that migraine is a neurological disorder. The medications most prescribed for migraine were triptans, representing 52.1% of prescriptions. There were significant differences between the gender of the pharmacists and their knowledge, attitude, and practice overall score (p-value = 0.04). Male pharmacists exhibited higher knowledge, attitude, and practice scores than female pharmacists. Although many community pharmacists acknowledge their expertise and involvement in managing migraines, there is a requirement for further education and training to enhance their capacity to offer complete care to migraine patients. Pharmacists should also consider non-pharmacological interventions and complementary therapies when treating migraine symptoms....