Current Issue : January - March Volume : 2013 Issue Number : 1 Articles : 5 Articles
As the 21st century world would be a cellular age going by the phenomenal increase in cell phones\r\nworldwide, the Southeast Asia''s market is experiencing a tremendous growth of mobile\r\npenetrations in the context of a region for developing countries with large population\r\nconcentration. The mobile revolution has triumphed in Southeast Asia and become the key hub of\r\nthe world�s mobile & telecom market in terms of penetration and innovation, and promoted the\r\nbest of mobile-based implementations in the region Asia. Therefore, as the competition becomes\r\nmore intensified, it is important to any companies to anticipate any changes in its customers�\r\npreferences, especially all variables related to the customer dissatisfaction and varieties seeking\r\nthat are much revealed in prior studies. This study has two objectives; firstly, it aims to examine the\r\neffect of consumer dissatisfaction, variety seeking, and sales promotions simultaneously on brand\r\nswitching. Secondly, it will explore a further relationship, which is rarely investigated in prior\r\nstudies, between consumer dissatisfaction and brand switching, which is moderated by the variety\r\nseeking. By using 240 respondents in the 2010-GSM prepaid cards'' market situation, we used\r\nlogistic regression to analyze the data. The results reveal that consumer dissatisfaction and sales\r\npromotion are significantly positive related to brand switching. The variety seeking moderates the\r\neffect of consumer dissatisfaction on brand switching, and as the moderating variable, the variety\r\nseeking has weakened the effect of consumer dissatisfaction on brand switching....
This research reviews a concept which is still relatively less considered by retail banks:\r\nmanaging complaints. A review of literature will highlight the importance of managing\r\ncomplaints by banks in a CRM approach. Then, analyzing the contents of real complaints in 4\r\ndifferent banks allowed us to form a database. This database allows researchers and bankers\r\nalike a better view of banking complaints and will give us the opportunity to suggest concrete\r\nrecommendations on how to improve complaints management....
Regret is not only an emotional reaction to the bad results of decision but also a powerful force that\r\nmotivates and directs one�s behavior. In this paper, we studied the impact of regret on the post\r\ndecision-making behavior of the consumer. A qualitative study was conducted to explore the\r\nconsequences of regret on consumer behavior.\r\nIt was shown that regret has an influence on the post purchase evaluation via its impact on\r\nsatisfaction and has various behavioral consequences such as: complaint, repurchasing behavior,\r\nWord of mouth communication, return, inertia etc......
We all know that buying a car is an act of consumption under constraint. It is subjected to a\r\nprocess of identical co-construction joining a socioeconomic context in perpetual\r\ntransformation. This looks a little bit hard to understand! But the semiotic analysis of 28\r\ninterviews realized with the Tunisian executives, between 30 and 35 years old, about the brand\r\nof their personal cars, will simplify it by revealing us the values of consumption, the underlying\r\nsigns in the various brands, the process of identical construction which joins to it and the\r\nimplications that can appear on the consumer and the contemporary marketer there....
The on-line social networks or social media facilitated the interactions and the information\r\nsharing between the Internet users. The marketers aware of the importance of the word of\r\nmouth and recommendation, tried to use the social networks to contact consumers and\r\nencourage them to promote their brands by playing the role of market mavens. In this study we\r\ntried to identify the motivations or the determinants of the word of mouth on the on-line social\r\nnetworks. For that purpose, we presented an integrator model which includes psychological\r\nand social factors to understand this phenomenon. We conduct exploratory and confirmatory\r\nanalysis to ascertain friability and validity of measures. We used PLS analysis to test hypothesis.\r\nFindings and managerial implication are also presented....