Current Issue : April-June Volume : 2024 Issue Number : 2 Articles : 5 Articles
Vocabulary acquisition and retention is an essential part of learning a foreign language and many learners use flashcard applications to repetitively increase vocabulary retention. However, it can be difficult for learners to remember new words and phrases without any context. In this paper, we propose a system that allows users to acquire new vocabulary with media which gives context to the words. Theoretically, this use of multimedia context should enable users to practice with interest and increased motivation, which has been shown to enhance the effects of contextual language learning. An experiment with 46 English as foreign language learners showed better retention after two weeks with the proposed system as compared to ordinary flashcards. However, the impact was not universally beneficial to all learners. An analysis of participant attributes that were gathered through surveys and questionnaires shows a link between personality and learning traits and affinity for learning with this system. This result indicates that the proposed system provides a significant advantage in vocabulary retention for some users, while other users should stay with traditional flashcard applications. The implications of this study indicate the need for the development of more personalized learning applications....
The process of digitizing radio is far from over. It is an important interdisciplinary aspect, involving Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) when it comes to classifying and handling content, and an organizational challenge in the Industry 4.0 concept. There exist several methods for delivering audio signals, including terrestrial broadcasting and internet streaming. Among them, the DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) system is one of the leading standards of terrestrial digital radio transmission. Compared with analog FM (frequency modulation) radio, it is more bandwidth efficient and offers greater possibilities when it comes to delivering content and forming an ensemble and multiplex. Currently, many countries worldwide, particularly European States, are still making adjustments in order to perform an efficient switchover from analog FM to digital DAB+ radio. This paper presents the current situation of the digital radio market as well as the results of a subjective quality evaluation study and questionnaire concerning broadcasting in both digital and analog techniques. It involves radio programs, transmitting both speech and music signals, simulcasted in DAB+ and FM standards. It also presents the development of the national multiplex. The results of this study may help both researchers and scientists as well as policy makers and professionals active in the field of broadcasting and electronic media and not to mention the consumption of multimedia content....
As a multireceiver variant of public key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), broadcast authenticated encryption with keyword search (BAEKS) was proposed by Liu et al. (ACISP 2021). BAEKS focuses on receiver anonymity, where no information about the receiver is leaked from ciphertexts, which is reminiscent of the anonymous broadcast encryption. Here, there are rooms for improving their security definitions, e.g., two challenge sets of receivers are selected before the setup phase, and an adversary is not allowed to corrupt any receiver. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of BAEKS derived from PAEKS that provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multireceiver setting. The proposed construction is an extension of the generic construction proposed by Libert et al. (PKC 2012) for the fully anonymous broadcast encryption and provides adaptive corruptions. We also demonstrate that the Qin et al. PAEKS scheme (ProvSec 2021) provides ciphertext anonymity and consistency in a multireceiver setting and can be employed as a building block of the proposed generic construction....
This study aims to identify the availability of IT facilities and teacher characteristics towards the application of interactive digital multimedia, identification of media needs for students, and student learning styles in learning. This research was conducted at an alliance of geography teacher groups and two excellent schools in Surakarta City and Karanganyar Regency. The method used was descriptive qualitative with respondents consisting of 17 geography teachers of Surakarta City and 16 geography teachers of Karanganyar Regency, 34 students of grade XI of Surakarta 3 public high school, and 35 students of grade XI of Karanganyar 1 public high school. The data collection technique was carried out using observation techniques and questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses the Interactive Analysis Model, while the questionnaire analysis uses percentages. The results showed that: 1) teachers' experience in making ITbased media innovation and applying it in the classroom as much as 64.71% of geography teachers in Surakarta City and 81.25% of geography teachers in Karangayar Regency responded that they had never done it; 2) The need for digital-based multimedia as much as 94.12% of grade XI students in public high school 3 Surakarta and 100% of grade XI students in public high school 1 Karanganyar were interested in learning geography using integrative websites; 3) The average learning style characteristics of ninth-grade students in public high school 3 Surakarta and public high school 1 Karanganyar were 73% and 66% had a visual learning style. Based on the study's results, it was known that the low ICT skills of geography teachers could result in students' digital learning multimedia needs not being appropriately met, so integrative multimedia innovations such as the Our Space website are needed that can be tailored to student learning needs....
Cultural heritage (CH) plays a vital role in passing history to the present and also the future, which means it is important to build an efficient and friendly way to broadcast and inherit these past civilizations. Information communication technology (ICT) is one of the popular methods that can attract people’s attention on understanding history or joining in heritage preservation. To achieve that, governments have built a large numbers of official ICT platforms. However, most of them neglected people’s preferences on the retrieval of cultural heritage information. In terms of user experiences, the previous platforms are less than satisfactory in increasing the awareness of the cultural heritage. Thanks to the new technology, 3D models and virtual reality (VR) bring spring life to cultural heritage. This paper developed a new multimedia platform based on people’s preferences to overcome these disadvantages. UML‑based web engineering (UWE) is applied to present the web application’s architecture, the database structure, and the platform’s interface. To demonstrate the multimedia platform, Strijp‑S, an industry cultural heritage site in the city of Eindhoven (the Netherlands), has been used as a case area. This proposed platform provides a new idea on system architecture design of the multimedia platform and may strengthen the public’s knowledge of cultural heritage, and thereby increase the awareness of cultural heritage to keep it sustainable....