Current Issue : July-September Volume : 2024 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 5 Articles
This study investigates the role of conferences of bishops’ websites in facilitating communication within the Catholic Church, focusing on selected countries. The aim is to assess how these websites align with the Church’s mission and engage diverse audiences in the digital age. Analysis of websites from Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic reveals variations in content emphasis, multilingual accessibility, multimedia utilization, and social media integration. These differences reflect cultural and ecclesiastical distinctions, shedding light on how these websites serve as digital gateways to the Catholic Church and public-facing portals for their respective conferences. This research employs the website communication model (WCM) to assess the selected websites. It examines content elements, multilingual support, multimedia incorporation, and social media presence. This study underscores the potential for enhanced utilization of digital platforms in advancing the Church’s mission and expanding its outreach. It highlights the importance of aligning website goals with organizational objectives and engaging diverse audiences effectively. Ultimately, these websites serve as crucial tools for communication, evangelization, and pastoral care within the Catholic Church....
Conventional data acquisition systems face challenges in achieving high acquisition speeds and rapid storage of large data volumes using microcontrollers. In contrast, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) offer numerous advantages, including high clock frequencies, minimal internal delays, fast operational speeds, abundant internal RAM resources, and simplified control of complex peripheral circuits. This study presents the design of an FPGA-based multimedia remote monitoring system for information technology server rooms. The proposed system utilizes an FPGA as the primary controller and incorporates environmental sensors, electrical energy sensors, carbon monoxide sensors, smoke sensors, and A/D converter modules to monitor multiple locations within the server room. Simultaneously, the FPGA transmits the collected data from each monitoring point via a serial port to an LCD serial screen for display. An alarm is triggered if any environmental anomalies are detected, indicating abnormal statuses. Additionally, the system employs the fast Fourier transform algorithm and butterfly operations to derive voltage and current AC quantities, while utilizing relative temperature differences to identify equipment faults within the server room. The system is evaluated in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, and reliability. Experimental results demonstrate that all performance measures align with expectations, fulfilling the initial design objectives and highlighting the potential applicability and relevance of FPGA technology in the monitoring field. In addition, a comparison between FPGA and traditional microcontroller systems is performed, showcasing the superior processing speed and performance of the FPGA-based system. This comparative analysis further validates the advantages of using FPGA technology in high-speed data acquisition and monitoring applications....
Live video streaming has become one of the main multimedia trends in networks in recent years. Providing Quality of Service (QoS) during live transmissions is challenging due to the stringent requirements for low latency and minimal interruptions. This scenario has led to a high dependence on cloud services, implying a widespread usage of Internet connections, which constrains contexts in which an Internet connection is not available. Thus, alternatives such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) emerge as potential communication techniques. These networks operate autonomously with mobile devices serving as nodes, without the need for coordinating centralized components. However, these characteristics lead to challenges to live video streaming, such as dynamic node topologies or periods of disconnection. Considering these constraints, this paper investigates the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based classification techniques to provide adaptive streaming in MANETs. For this, a software-driven architecture is proposed to route stream in offline MANETs, predicting the stability of individual links and compressing video frames accordingly. The proposal is implemented and assessed in a laboratory context, in which the model performance and QoS metrics are analyzed. As a result, the model is implemented in a decision forest algorithm, which provides 95.9% accuracy. Also, the obtained latency values become assumable for video streaming, manifesting a reliable response for routing and node movements....
We present the application of QR Codes as carriers for colorimetric dyes, whereby this refined version of machine-readable patterns applied to colorimetric sensing also allows us to maintain the data from the QR Code standard in a back-compatible way, which means that the QR Code is still able to encode digital data (readable with a standard QR Code decoder) alongside a hundred colorimetric references and the dyes. Also, we discuss in detail the effectiveness of different color correction methods in attaining color accuracy levels suited for sensing via colorimetry. Moreover, we illustrate how color correction techniques can be applied to take advantage of having hundreds of color references, with an exemplary case of a CO2 printed sensor used to monitor the integrity of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP)....
Contemporary educators have increasingly recognised the diversity of their student population and, hence, have attempted to use multimodal teaching methods for additional student learning benefits. One popular example is repurposing film and TV content for higher education pedagogies. However, integrating these materials into teaching effectively often proves more complex than lecturers might anticipate. This entry investigates the merits and challenges of using FF/TV in teaching to determine the factors that impact development of an effective FF/TV pedagogy for student learning, through an interdisciplinary review of the existing literature, followed by a qualitative survey and semi-structured interviews with lecturers across disciplines at Australian universities. Using visual literacy theory, cognitive load theory, and dual coding theory, data analysis reveals that the pros and cons of integrating film and TV in teaching are in fact interconnected, and the main role of the teacher is to pedagogically balance them. Evidence-based and theory-grounded suggestions for application are detailed throughout the discussions....